

Email us a list of the products you would like to remove from your inventory now.

Global independent distributor of Electronic Components, Semico Components can help you sell your excess stock. Thanks to our worldwide distributor network and access to every marketplace on the planet. 

Outsource your excess stock management with ease.

We manage the distribution of your unused or excess stock of semiconductors and electronic components. 

Excess inventory locks up capital you can invest elsewhere. Reduce your stock and increase your liquidity. 

As an independent, wholesale distributor for semiconductors and components, we handle your complete excess management and worldwide marketing. 

We have the required network and corresponding logistics via our comprehensive trading platform access.

The current situation on the chip market can be quite challenging for your semiconductor procurement and for the supply chains and your production planning. The latest chip shortages are causing productions to be stopped or postponed.

Ageing stock becomes less valuable over time. Newer date codes are preferable in most instances.
